Sunday, January 16, 2011

Digging Out

The boys spent most of the day digging out the driveway and paths around the house a few days ago.  This is our first winter in the house we bought in September.  We actually only had two snow events so far, but they both dumped a lot on snow.  All the snow you see in the photos are from the most recent snow storm. The photos do not exaggerate, it was a ton.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dinner w/my Wife

Susan and I went to dinner at the local Thai restaurant near our new old house. Going out with your spouse is important.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

At Home in New Home

We are now 3 months into settling in at the new house we bought. Boiler tanks need replacing. Do the job myself or pay someone else?
We'll see...

By the way...
boiler tanks are important.

Photo is Mike in the new library.